Moving your tree is a big decision, and few people want to have to move it a second time. So it pays to be very, very sure about where you will place it. The average homeowner is not a landscape design pro, so they benefit from a consultation with someone who is.
Along with fully understanding the tree's future size and shape, a professional arborist may also look at what is planted underneath and around it. How will the tree affect surrounding landscape features? What does it add to your landscape goal? Is the change going to make the impact you want?
Even if you want to save a tree by moving it, the tree may not be a good candidate for transplantation. Signs of disease, infestation, or general bad health are often easy to miss. For example, bare branches that don't grow good leaves may be signs of trouble. Pests may damage the inside of a trunk long before any signs appear on the outside. Even small holes in leaves can indicate disease.
Along with the health of the tree, a professional will also be able to tell if the tree is in good enough condition to survive the transplantation and thrive. And they'll advise on the right season for transplanting and avoiding shock.
Are you up to the physical demands of moving a tree? Doing so generally requires heavy equipment that not everyone is comfortable with. You'll need to find the right size root ball, tie up the tree for movement, and cut roots that won't be moved. Moving a tree the wrong way can damage the branches, leave too little of the root system, or even harm the people trying to move it.
Clearly, an experienced professional who works with the transplantation of trees is a valuable asset when deciding what to do with yours. The team at Ted's Trees, Ltd can help. Call today to schedule an appointment to assess your tree (or trees) and create a viable moving plan for them. Your trees and everyone who enjoys them will thank you.